Aufbau Verlag raises whale sponsorship!

Aufbau Verlag raises whale sponsorship!

via WWF

via WWF

The publisher publishes a WWF sponsorship for a whale for the novel "When the Sea Belonged to Us

Among all received until March 17 e-mails to the Publisher draws at random the winner. According to the publisher, the whale godparents receive "exclusive insights into the protection of threatened whales in the world's oceans." The sponsorship runs for over a year.

"When the sea belonged to us" will be published in the Rütten & Loening program on 17 March. In the familiendrama Barbara J. Zitwer lets a separated family thanks to a whale find each other again.

For more information please visit the contest website.


Katrin Gesterding, Buchhandlung am Sand in Hamburg

Katrin Gesterding, Buchhandlung am Sand in Hamburg


"Ein trauriges und schwieriges Thema beeindruckend und einfühlsam umgesetzt.
Frei von Kitsch und wunderschön geschrieben. Ein wahres Herzensbuch.“
 – A sad and difficult subject,
realized impressively and sensitively.  Beautifully written, without kitsch.
A real Herzensbuch."